Each athlete will receive an individualized program based on their sport and strengths/weaknesses. Training cycles last anywhere from two to four weeks depending on the athlete and the current training phase. Whether your sport is Baseball, Football, lacrosse, volleyball or Golf we know how to prepare and get you ready to perform!
Athletes are trained in areas of: strength. speed, agility, power, injury prevention, plyometrics, core, and functional training related to the individual sport. We also use nutrition, recovery, and mobility sessions to help optimize the training plan.
Through the use of these tactics we develop speed, agility, strength, power, force, acceleration, deceleration, conditioning, core stability, confidence, mental toughness, good nutrition habits, and overall athleticism, our athletes will be taken care of to meet the demands of their given sport.
Sports we currently work with include:
• Ongoing 1on1 mentorship meetings with bold coaches
• Access to bold coaches who play/played the game at a high level
• Individualized programming
• Strength, power, speed, agility
• Ongoing feedback
• Individualized nutrition information
• Bold Athlete Nutrition Guide
• Recipes
• Supplement education
• Ongoing athlete progress report cards
• Coach feedback
• Lifestyle habits
• Accountability
• Leadership Development
• Goal setting + Coaching
• Confidence!